Chris' Prenuvo Story
Chris went into his Prenuvo scan feeling like he was in the best shape of his life. He had gotten an array of medical testing done six months before without any significant findings. So when he booked his Prenuvo scan to get a baseline of his health, he didn’t expect to find anything of note. His results, however, showed that he had a fist-sized tumor in his kidney. Chris’s physician reviewed his Prenuvo report and sent him in for further testing. After confirmation, his physician arranged for him to have his kidney surgically removed. Prenuvo was able to catch his tumor at stage 1, before it metastasized to other areas of his body. “If I had waited a year or two, that tumor would have gone elsewhere in my body and we would not be having this conversation,” he says. Chris, who had no history of cancer in his family and zero symptoms going into his scan, is grateful that he took his health into his own hands. Booking a Prenuvo scan, he says, is “so worth having peace of mind and certainly worth the rest of your life.”
Thank you Chris for sharing your Prenuvo story.
If I had waited a year or two, that tumor would have gone elsewhere in my body and we would not be having this conversation... Because of Prenuvo, I got it caught at stage one.