Breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer to affect women. It can also occur in men.Breast cancer starts within abnormal cells that multiply uncontrollably. Breast cancer can also spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body. There are different types of cancer which can be categorized based on where they occur.- Ductal carcinoma: occurs in the lining of the ducts which carry milk from the glands to the nipples.- Lobular carcinoma: occurs in the lobules, glands where the milk is made.- Some less common types of cancer are: inflammatory breast cancer, Paget disease and triple negative breast cancer.The earliest stage of breast cancer is called 'in situ' which means the cancer is still located in its original location and has not grown into surrounding tissue. This earliest form can be identified by microcalcifications seen on mammography. Invasive is the term that is used when the cancer has spread into its surrounding tissues.MRI does not detect calcification which is why mammography is an important standardized tool to use in addition to the Prenuvo scan to screen for calcifications and tissue distortion associated with breast cancer.

This Condition Covered in

Head & Torso
Whole Body

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