Bone fracture

A bone fracture, also known as a broken bone, is a partial or complete break in the continuity of the bone. It can be a single fracture line or multiple fractured pieces. Fractures can occur from trauma, stress or from another pathology.The different types of fractures are:- Displaced: the bone breaks into two or more parts and moves to out of alignment- Non-displaced: the bone breaks either part of all the way through but maintains alignment- Closed: the bone breaks but no puncture or open wound in the skin- Open: when the bone breaks and punctures the skin; these fractures are at risk of infectionFractures are placed into subtypes:- Comminuted: broken into several pieces- Transverse: fracture line is perpendicular to the long part of the bone- Oblique: fracture line is on an angle through the bone- Pathologic: caused by a disease that weaken the bone- Stress: hairline crack Healing of the bone starts almost immediately. It can be visualized on an x-ray within 2 weeks in adults.

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