Cancer in People Under 50 is on the Rise. Here’s 11 Ways to Reduce Your Risk

February 25, 2025

Cancer has historically been thought of as a disease that mainly affects older people – with advancing age being one of the biggest traditional risk factors. But sadly, recent data is changing that narrative. More people in their 40s and 50s are getting cancer and the disease is increasingly affecting people at even younger ages than that. 

These cancers, referred to as early-onset cancers, are being diagnosed more frequently in adults aged 18 to 49—spanning Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. And since 1995, incidence in this age group has been rising by 1% to 2% annually, raising concerns among researchers. This has led to an increase in a younger diagnosis of at least 14 types of cancers, including colorectal cancer, breast cancer, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer and thyroid cancer.

It’s not completely known why more people are getting hit with a cancer diagnosis earlier in life but in addition to genetic factors, experts hypothesize it may be due to conditions like obesity, sedentary lifestyles, or environmental factors. 

Take control of your health to minimize your risk of cancer

These stats may sound scary, but they also serve as an important reminder of the power of taking control of your health. As the cliche goes, prevention is still very much the best medicine.

  1. Quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke. Smoking is a risk factor for many types of cancers. And exposure to secondhand smoke can be just as bad. Chewing tobacco also puts you at a higher risk for cancer.

  2. Recirculate air when driving in traffic. Chronic exposure to breathing in fine particulate matter, like PM 2.5s and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) can increase your risk of colorectal, head and neck, lung and prostate cancers. One study found that people who live in areas with more polluted air had an 8% increased risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer. To limit your exposure to airborne toxins, run a HEPA air purifier indoors, drive with your windows up and recirculate your air when in heavy traffic, and use your exhaust fan when cooking with a gas stove.

  3. Swap alcohol for a mocktail: Alcohol consumption can raise your risk of developing certain cancers. In fact, the World Health Organization has classified alcohol as a carcinogen and stresses that “there is no safe amount that does not affect health.” Try cutting back and saving alcohol for occasional social situations and drinking in moderation. Or try a mocktail, which you can find on just about any bar or restaurant menu these days!

  4. Limit processed foods. Research estimates that between 30-40% of cancer is due to lifestyle and dietary factors. Limit ultra processed foods and excessive sugar, and prioritize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, omega-3 rich foods and lean animal protein.

  5. Filter your water.
    These stats may sound scary but they also serve as an important reminder of the power of taking control of your health. As the cliche goes, prevention is still very much the best medicine. And avoid bottled water in plastic, as it can increase your exposure to microplastics, which some researchers have deemed a potential cancer risk.

  6. Maintain a healthy weight: Obesity is associated with a higher risk of at least 13 different types of cancers.

  7. Do high intensity workouts: Research suggests that people who are moderately active can reduce their risk of some cancers by 10-20% and those who do high-intensity aerobic exercise may reduce their cancer risk by up to 72%!

  8. Check the UV index: Regular use of SPF 15 and above can reduce your risk of some types of skin cancer by as much as 50%. Limit time outdoors when the sun is the strongest, from 10am to 4pm and check the UV index in your area. A UV index of 3 or above can lead to skin damage more quickly than at lower levels of UV.

  9. Test your home for radon: Exposure to toxins like radon, asbestos, benzene and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can put you at an increased cancer risk. Radon, for instance, is the number one cause of lung cancer in people who have never smoked. In the U.S., 1 in 15 homes have levels of radon that are too high. You can purchase an over-the-counter kit to test your home.

  10. Ask your doctor about genetic testing: Some cancers can have a genetic component. Tell your doctor if cancer runs in your family and consider getting tested for specific genes that raise your risk. It may be recommended that you undergo screenings, like mammograms, more frequently than those without a family history, helping you to stay on top of your health.

  11. Get vaccinated. The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine can protect against strains of HPV that may lead to several types of cancer. And hepatitis B vaccines can help to prevent liver cancer.

Consider early screening tests for cancer

Medical advances are now making it easier to detect cancer in earlier stages. For instance, Prenuvo’s cutting-edge Whole-Body Scan can detect hundreds of conditions, including signs of cancer—often before symptoms appear—allowing patients to take action in the earliest stages and access the best possible treatment. This non-invasive test is performed without any radiation and does not require any additional chemicals to be injected into the body.. There are also blood tests that can help to detect some of the more common forms of cancers by searching for markers like chromosomal changes, chemicals produced by cancer cells and abnormal protein levels. 

There are new treatments available to help people of all ages better fight cancer

While the goal is to prevent early onset cancer in the first place, cancer isn’t always completely preventable. The good news is in the event of a diagnosis, recent advances are enabling doctors to be able to treat it more efficiently and effectively. 

There have been new breakthroughs in immunotherapy, in which immune checkpoint inhibitor drugs, T-cell transfer therapy, CAR-T cell therapy and monoclonal antibodies are helping a person’s immune system to better recognize and fight cancer cells. Radiation is becoming more targeted, with modalities like proton therapy and carbon ion therapy that allow surgeons to be able to hone in on a tumor while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue. Doctors are also able to now use information about a patient’s genes, proteins, environment and lifestyle to help diagnose and treat them, as well as determine how well a cancer treatment is working. And tumor removal surgeries are now less invasive, thanks to modern advances like robotic assistance in the operating room. 

Vaccines have also been developed to help treat certain types of cancers, like melanoma, bladder and prostate cancer and are being researched for use in treating conditions like aggressive brain tumors in younger populations. And clinical trials are underway for other types of vaccines to help prevent the recurrence of certain types of cancer like kidney cancer in those previously diagnosed. 

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